Many of us will be keen to meet Ned Kelly in his fair and final court.
178. Charles KEMP, Sydney Morning Herald
179. A Hermann KEMPE, Missionary, Hermannsburg, NT
Edmund Besley Court KENNEDY, explorer and martyr. Speared by Aborigines.
From - ADB Online
KENNEDY, Edmund Besley Court (1818–1848) - by Edgar Beale
Edmund Besley Court Kennedy (1818-1848), explorer, was born on 5 September 1818 on Guernsey, Channel Islands, the sixth of eight children of Colonel Thomas Kennedy and his wife Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas Smith, sometime lord mayor of London. All his brothers later distinguished themselves in either the Church of England or the public service, and a strong parental influence in both these directions is obvious. Edmund himself was educated at Elizabeth College, Guernsey, and trained as a surveyor. Impelled by what his admiring father admitted to be an 'almost mad ambition to distinguish himself', he embarked for Australia, arriving in Sydney in 1840, and while still only 21 was appointed an assistant surveyor in the Surveyor-General's Department.
He began duty on 7 August 1840 and immediately left under Charles Tyers for the Portland Bay settlement in western Victoria. In 1841 he began general survey work there and earned some praise, but in 1842 incurred official displeasure through an altercation with a local magistrate, James Blair. It was a parochial affair and, though Kennedy's motive was protest against an injustice, his crusade was juvenile. Moreover it left him open to further adverse reports as a result of a youthful and indiscreet alliance with an immigrant Irish girl, Margaret Murphy, by whom he had a daughter. Blair's main allegations were found by Superintendent Charles La Trobe to be not borne out by the facts. However, Kennedy was recalled to Sydney, where he wrote to the governor a manly defence of his action and expressed deep contrition for his alliance with the girl.
After his return to Sydney on 12 June 1843 his duties were slight; because of the falling off in land sales, most of the surveyors were on half-pay, and Kennedy had practically nothing to do for over two years. He did, however, establish himself as a popular and charming member of society, with a rowdy, boyish sense of fun. His gifts included a pleasant singing voice and considerable skill in sketching in pencil and water-colour.
Inactivity was galling to a man of such thrusting energy, and he found an outlet in November 1845 when he was suddenly appointed second-in-command, under Sir Thomas Mitchell, of the expedition to find an overland route to the Gulf of Carpentaria. Under this leader Kennedy was kept somewhat in the background, but after minor initial criticisms Mitchell praised his 'temperate and gentlemanly way, and highly honourable principles', with frequent references to his zeal and activity. Kennedy had the difficult assignment, which he performed to the satisfaction of his exacting leader, of maintaining a base camp for over four months while Mitchell probed the central west of Queensland, discovering in excellent country a river which he named the Victoria. The party returned to Sydney in January 1847.
Mitchell felt convinced that his 'Victoria' River flowed into the gulf, but his theory had to be tested, and Kennedy volunteered to lead an expedition to do so. With a small party of eight men and an Aboriginal boy, and with pack-horses and three spring carts, he left Sydney on 13 March 1847, retraced the tracks of Mitchell to his farthest point on the 'Victoria', and followed it down its course, only to find that instead of flowing north-west to the gulf it flowed south-west to become, as he correctly deduced, part of Cooper's Creek. He renamed the 'Victoria' the Barcoo, and discovered and named the Thomson River. He then traced the Warrego River down until its waters gave out, whereupon he crossed south-east to the Culgoa, and thence back to Sydney, arriving on 7 February 1848. The result of his exploration was somewhat negative, but he had successfully overcome many difficulties and was acclaimed for his sagacity, patience, skill and perseverance.
Within a few months he was again in the field, this time on an ambitious plan of landing at Rockingham Bay to traverse Cape York Peninsula along the east coast to its most northerly point, where supplies would be replenished from a ship waiting at Albany Passage; thence he was to traverse the west coast southwards to link with the recent discoveries of Mitchell and Ludwig Leichhardt, and to return overland to Sydney. Leaving Sydney on 28 April 1848, the landing was made on 24 May. He found, however, that he was hemmed in by mangrove swamps and mountains, and two months later the party was still in about the same latitude and only about twenty miles (32 km) inland. Having ascended the mountains, progress became a little better, but misfortune had beset them: sickness, a growing shortage of stores, extreme fatigue. Yet Kennedy maintained his cheerful manner and good spirits and proved thereby his excellent qualities of leadership. Eventually on 13 November Kennedy decided to leave eight of his thirteen men at Weymouth Bay while he and four others made forced marches to the supply ship for help. Starvation now confronted them all; only two of the men at the Weymouth Bay camp ultimately survived. Meanwhile one of the advance party shot himself accidentally, and Kennedy therefore left the wounded man and two others to look after him—they too all perished—whilst he and the Aboriginal boy, Jackey Jackey, pressed on alone. With weakening strength but superb courage and endurance, they reached to within about twenty miles (32 km) of the supply ship, only to find themselves trapped by the Escape River and its crocodile-infested mangrove swamps and thick scrubs. In the second week of December Aboriginals, who had become increasingly hostile, attacked; Kennedy was speared and soon afterwards died in the arms of the devoted Jackey Jackey, who alone reached the ship and was saved.
Kennedy died unmarried. His nature was unaffected and straightforward; actuated by high ideals and a strong religious sense as he was, his character was revealed in his deeds. Thomas Huxley, who admired him and nearly joined his last expedition, later commented: 'a fine, noble fellow poor Kennedy was'.
Select Bibliography
W. Carron, Narrative of an Expedition: Undertaken Under the Direction of the Late Mr. Assistant Surveyor E.B. Kennedy, for the Exploration of the Country Lying Between Rockingham Bay and Cape York (Syd, 1849)
E. Beale, ‘Edmund Besley Court Kennedy’, Journal and Proceedings (Royal Australian Historical Society), vol 35, part 1, 1949, pp 1-25
Kennedy to Colonial Secretary, 1 Sept 1843 (State Library of New South Wales)
manuscript catalogue under Edmund Kennedy (State Library of New South Wales).
181. Lachlan KENNEDY, repentant multi-murderer, Mapoon QLD
Lachlan KENNEDY, [If this is him ? -Son of Donald KENNEDY & Mary LOVELSTONE - He died 6th June 1913 Queensland ? - Maybe? married to Maggie? - children: Rosey Kennedy born 18 April 1895; Jimmy Kennedy b. 6 June 1897 ]
Sister Elizabeth KENNY of Toowoomba QLD
Parents: Michael KENNY & Mary MOORE
Born: 20 September 1880 Warialda, New South Wales,
Christianity: muscular Irish-Australian Methodist
Mentors: Dr Aeneas McDonnell, of Toowoomba
Landscapes: Guyra, NSW; Darling Downs, QLD
Contribution: Nursing, Medicine, Charity, Courage, Faith
Works: Infantile Paralysis healer
Appointment. Country Women's Association, Australian Army Nursing Service
Death 30 November 1952 Toowoomba, Queensland
Works: Autobiography
My Battle and Victory, by Sister Kenny
From ADB Online - Australian Dictionary of Biography
Kenny, Elizabeth (1880–1952)
by Ross Patrick
Elizabeth Kenny (1880-1952), nurse, was born on 20 September 1880 at Warialda, New South Wales, daughter of Michael Kenny, farmer from Ireland, and his native-born wife Mary, née Moore. She received limited education at small primary schools in New South Wales and Queensland. There is no official record of formal training or registration as a nurse. She probably learned by voluntary assistance at a small maternity hospital at Guyra, New South Wales. About 1910 Kenny was a self-appointed nurse, working from the family home at Nobby on the Darling Downs, riding on horseback to give her services, without pay, to any who called her. In 1911 she used hot cloth fomentations on the advice of Aeneas McDonnell, a Toowoomba surgeon, to treat symptomatically puzzling new cases, diagnosed by him telegraphically as infantile paralysis (poliomyelitis). The patients recovered. Kenny then opened a cottage hospital at Clifton.
During World War I, using a letter from McDonnell as evidence of nursing experience, she enlisted on 30 May 1915 and was appointed staff nurse in the Australian Army Nursing Service, serving on troopships bringing wounded home to Australia. On 1 November 1917 she was promoted Sister, a title she used for the rest of her life. Her army service terminated in March 1919. After the war she resumed her home nursing and became the first president of the Nobby chapter of the Country Women's Association. In 1927 she patented the 'Sylvia' ambulance stretcher designed to reduce shock in the transport of injured patients.
In 1932 Sister Kenny established a backyard clinic at Townsville to treat long-term poliomyelitis victims and cerebral palsy patients with hot baths, foments, passive movements, the discarding of braces and callipers and the encouragement of active movements. At a government-sponsored demonstration in Brisbane doctors and masseurs ridiculed her, mainly because they considered her explanations of the lesions at the site of the paralysis were bizarre. Thus began a long controversy at a time when there was no vaccination for poliomyelitis. The strong-willed Kenny, with an obsessional belief in her theory and methods, was opposed by a conservative medical profession whom she mercilessly slated and who considered her recommendation to discard immobilization to be criminal. Despite almost total medical opposition, parental and political pressure with some medical backing resulted in action by the Queensland government which was influenced by Home Secretary E. M. Hanlon and his public service adviser, C. E. Chuter. In 1934 clinics to treat long-term poliomyelitis cases were established in Townsville and later in Brisbane. The Brisbane clinic immediately attracted interstate and overseas patients. Kenny clinics in other Queensland cities and interstate followed.
In 1937 she published in Sydney Infantile Paralysis and Cerebral Diplegia, with a foreword by Herbert Wilkinson, professor of anatomy at the University of Queensland. Grateful parents having paid her fare to England, she was given two wards at Queen Mary's Hospital at Carshalton, Surrey. She shocked English doctors with her recommendations to discard splinting used to prevent deformities and her condemnation of the orthodox treatment of poliomyelitis cases. Returning to Australia, she was greeted with the report of a royal commission of leading Queensland doctors which damned her methods. However, she was given a ward at the Brisbane General Hospital and early cases of the disease to treat. Aubrey Pye, medical superintendent, stated that her patients recovered more quickly and that their limbs were more supple than those treated by the orthodox method. But the medical profession largely ignored her.
In 1940, armed with an introduction to the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, signed by six Brisbane doctors and her fare paid by the Queensland government, she arrived in the United States of America. At first most doctors rejected her theories of 'spasm', 'mental alienation', and 'incoordination' by which she explained the disability caused by poliomyelitis. However, orthopaedists Miland Knapp, John Pohl and Wallace Cole arranged for her to be given beds in the Minneapolis General Hospital. Her methods became widely accepted. She began courses for doctors and physiotherapists from many parts of the world. The Sister Kenny Institute was built in Minneapolis in 1942 and other Kenny clinics were established.
Kenny became a heroine in America and was awarded many honours. She accepted numerous invitations to lecture in other countries and received honorary degrees. Her autobiography, And They Shall Walk, written in collaboration with Martha Ostenso, was published in New York in 1943. In 1946 she was eulogized in the film, Sister Kenny. Abraham Fryberg, Queensland director-general of health and medical services, and Thomas Stubbs Brown, orthopaedic specialist, after an overseas visit recommended in 1947 that treatment based on the Kenny method be used in the early stages. They argued, however, that her concept that the disabilities in poliomyelitis were caused by the virus invading peripheral tissues, and not the central nervous system as traditionally taught, was not proven. In 1950 Congress gave her the rare honour of free access to the United States without entry formalities. Despite this success, she remained the centre of bitter controversy, partly because of her intolerance of opposition, and returned to Australia several times with little acclaim.
A big woman, with white hair which she often covered with large hats, Elizabeth Kenny was an imposing figure. She could speak gently to a patient one minute and harshly criticize a doctor the next. She gained basic knowledge as she progressed and, at times, submitted other people's ideas as though they were her own. Although her views on the pathology of the disease were generally not accepted, she made a significant contribution towards the treatment of poliomyelitis and stimulated fresh thinking. Developing Parkinson's disease, she retired to Toowoomba in 1951 and died there of cerebro-vascular disease on 30 November 1952. After a service in the Neil Street Methodist Church, she was buried in Nobby cemetery. Unmarried, she was survived by an adopted daughter. Her estate, valued for probate at £17,117, was left mainly to relatives, but a collection of memorabilia was left to the Kenny Foundation in the United States and a desk and prayer-book, belonging once to Florence Nightingale, were left to the United Nations Organization. Her book, My Battle and Victory, was published posthumously in London in 1955. A bust by L. Randolph is displayed in the Toowoomba City Art Gallery.
Select Bibliography
V. Cohn, Sister Kenny: The Woman who Challenged the Doctors (Minneapolis, Minn, USA, 1975)
Reports on Concepts and Treatment of Poliomyelitis, Parliamentary Papers (Queensland), 1947-48, 2, p 1021
Medical Journal of Australia, 1, 1938, no 5, p 187
Toowoomba Chronicle, 1 Dec 1952
Elizabeth Kenny papers (held by Queensland Country Women's Assn, Nobby Branch)
private information.
'Len' Leonard Noel KENTISH - Missionary & Martyr
'Len' Leonard Noel KENTISH
- Missionary & Martyr
Born: 1907 Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria
Father: Cecil Wallace KENTISH(born Adelaide SA - married Victoria 1898)
Mother: Alice Flora JACKSON (born 1873 Ondit, Gippsland, Victoria)
Died: 5th February 1943 Dobo, Aru Islands - by Japanese beheading
From: Northern Territory Library - Characters
Len Kentish
Methodist missionary Len Kentish came to Darwin in 1935. At first his work was among the white parishioners of the town, but before long Kentish was spending most of his time among town Aborigines and the people of Kahlin, and then Bagot compounds.
Kentish was sent to Goulburn Island as Superintendent in 1938, then in 1940 he explored Croker Island for a site for a Methodist home for part Aboriginal children. The home was to be established for children who were brought to the island in late 1941, under the government’s new policy of entrusting to missions those part-Aboriginal children who had been removed from their parents.
During the war emergency from early 1942 many missionaries and the children on Croker Island were evacuated, but Kentish stayed on to supervise the continuing Methodist missions in Arnhem Land.
In January 1943 he was a passenger and pilot aboard the naval patrol and cargo vessel, HMAS Patricia Cam. The vessel was typical of the "Royal Darwin Navy". Built in Brisbane in 1940 for the Sydney fishing firm Cam & Sons, she was requisitioned by the navy in 1942 and sent to Darwin as a store carrier. The Patricia Cam and its crew of 17 men were taking supplies and materials to isolated coastwatching posts, airfields, and mission stations along the Arnhem Land coast between Bathurst Island and Groote Eylandt.
At this time Japanese reconnaissance floatplanes, based at Dobo in the Aru Islands, had been harassing shipping between Darwin and Thursday Island. Not long previously, two ships had been sunk or badly damaged with heavy casualties. The floatplanes’ tactic had been to cut engines as the Allied ships were neared, then to dive out of the sun onto the ships. Without radar, the ships' crews usually did not see the attackers until it was too late.
The Patricia Cam's last voyage was uneventful enough as far as Goulburn Island, where Kentish and the Aborigine Paddy were picked up. Kentish was bound for the most remote Methodist Mission station, Yirrkala, near the present mining town of Nhulunbuy. The Patricia Cam's crew were delighted to have the men aboard as they had unerring local navigational skills.
The Patricia Cam sailed on for Milingimbi and Elcho Island, where four young Aboriginal men desiring a lift back to their home at Yirrkala were picked up. The ship sailed from Elcho Island at midnight on 21st. January 1943. By dawn the Patricia Cam was well on the way to its next port, Cape Wessel.
Suddenly the ship was rocked by a tremendous explosion. Within moments it was sinking, and the "abandon ship" order was given. One crew member and one of the Yirrkala men had been killed on the ship. The survivors took to the water with nothing or just their Mae West vests, as there had been no time to launch life rafts. At first they thought thePatricia Cam had been torpedoed, and only when a Japanese floatplane flew over them in the water did the survivors realise that the plane had dropped a bomb down the ships’ hatch, and that this had blown out the Patricia Cam's bottom.
Several times the Japanese plane strafed the survivors in the water and once it dropped a bomb among them. This action killed or mortally wounded another four men. The floatplane then appeared to fly off. However, it banked and returned and alighted on the sea, just outside the circle of wreckage and survivors. Kentish was swimming nearest the plane. He was covered with a revolver and ordered to swim over. Then he was hauled into the plane, which took off and flew away.
Gradually the others improvised rafts from the wreckage, and late the next night most of them washed ashore on a small island, where two more men died. The floatplane attack had so far cost eight lives, but the fate of Leonard Kentish was unknown.
Only after the war did it emerge that Kentish was taken to Dobo, and on 5th. February 1943 he was beheaded, apparently in revenge for Allied air raids. Five years later three Japanese were tried in war crimes tribunals and convicted of the killing of Kentish. One, Sagejima Mangan, was hanged, and the other two served long prison sentences.
FROM - Northern Territory Dictionary of Biography - by Noel Kentish
KENTISH, Leonard Noel 'Len' (1907-1943)
Methodist Ministers, wa sborn in Melbourne 28 August 1907. Len, as he was known by his family and friends, was one of a family of eight children born to Cecil Wallce Kentish and Alice Fay, nee Jackson. Cecil's father, Henry, was only eight years of age when his family migrated to Australiam arriving at Port Adelaide on 8 May 1838.
In 19010 the Kentish family led a migratory trek of 200 Victorian families into Southern Queensland where they settled on the land as pioneer graziers at The Gums in the Tara district, near Dalby. Len attented school at The Gums and then attended Dalby State High School , passing the Junior Public Examination. Due to a series of droughts and other setbacks in the district his family was forced to move to Bundamba near Ipswich in1923. After working briefly in the town council, he volunteered to work as a Methodist Home Missionary, being stationed at Mitchell.
He became a candidate for the Ordained ministry and under the guidance of the Master of King's Colleg gained his matriculation to the University of Queensland, which he entered as an undergraduate student at the age of 18. While in residence at King's College he gained his Bachelor Degree with Honours in field of mental and moral philosophy. He also excelled in sports, being awarded college 'blues' in football, cricket, tennis and athletics. During a fourth year in King's College, he commenced work on the Bachelor of Divinity degree through the Melbourne College of Divinity, was the president of the student Club, and lectured in Greek and Hebrew. He was a member of the crew of the College's rowing four.
On completion of his studies in preparation for ordination, he married Violet May Simpson on 31 March 1934 in Maryborough (QLD) and the couple moved to the Hermit Park Methodist Circuit in Townsville. After a short time there, Len responded to a call to Overseas Missions work in the Northern Territory and began work in the joint European and Aboriginal Missions in Darwin.
In 1940 after three years of residence in Darwin he was appointed Chairman of the Methodist Overseas Missions North Australia District in which office he continued when he moved to the Mission Station on Goulburn Island. During his four years in Darwin he had completed his studies for the Batchelor of Divinity degree and had also abotain Accountancy qualifications. On Goulburn Island he commenced work as on his Master of Arts Thesis, but gave priority to the demanding work of developing a written language in the Maung dialect of the aborigines of the island. He also found time to contrubute several articles on his Territory exoeriences to Church journals. His published articles include "Sawdust in teh dinner, in teh Missionary Review, 5 April 1939, and "Sea Slugs and Crocodiels' and 'The Witness of North Australia" both in the Queensland Methodist Times, 17 March 1838 and 23 October 1941 respectively.
With the outbreak of the Second World War and the imminent threat of Japanese invasion of north Australia, Leonard Kentish became a voluntary Coast Watcher in constant radio contact with Darwin. His family travelled though Mataranka, Alice Springs, Adelaide ad Melbourne before reaching Brisbane where they lived with his mother in Paddington, as they waited for Len to join them.
One year later his plans to join them in Brisbane were interupted. The Patricia Cam, an Australian naval supply vessel on which he was travelling on a tour of his district, was attacked and sunk between Elcho Island and Cape Wessel by a Japanese float plane on 22 January 1843. He was taken prisoner and interned at Dobu in the Aru Island.s on 5 February 1943 he was beheaded by his captors but news of his fate die not reach his widow and their three children, a son and two daughters, until late in 1946. The delay, not only in the notification but in the granting of a suitable pension, gave rise to much comment in the press. Len Kentish's body was late interred at the Ambon War Cemetery by the Australian War Graves Commission. His obituary records in the minutes of the New South Wales Methodist Conference of 1947 noted, in part: 'In teh area in which he worked and under the uncertain conditions of war he stood continually in great personal danger but continued to give himself with humility and courage to befriending and protecting the aboriginals among whom he worked.'
Len Kentish's names was given to a memorial coconut grove on Goulburn Island. It is also on the Roll of Honour ar Darwin's Memorial Uniting Church and the Coastwatchers' memorial in Rabaul. It is alos listed in a memorial plaque honouring Methodist 'martyrs' in teh foyer of King's College at St Lucia at teh University of Queensland. It is also on a plaque honouring Methodist 'martyrs' (most of tem victims of teh sinking of the Montevieo Maru) located at teh Uniteing Church Centre for Ministr in North Paramatta. His photgraoh hangs in Kentish Court at Wesley Central Mission's Sinnamon Returement Village, near Jindalee in Brisbane.
Sources: -
FROM: Australia's War 1939-1945
'war crimes'
In 1946 the International Military Tribunal for the Far East began to prosecute Japanese military and civilian leaders for alleged war crimes. More than 2000 trials were held all over south-east Asia, the Pacific and in Japan. More than 5,700 men – mostly Japanese servicemen and Korean guards – were charged with murder and brutal treatment of prisoners and civilians. Many were released due to insufficient evidence but 920 were executed and about 3000 sentenced to imprisonment.
One of these Allied war crimes trials opened on 21 May 1948 at Kowloon, Hong Kong. Three Japanese prisoners (two members of the Imperial Japanese Navy and one civilian) had been charged with the murder of the Australian missionary, the Reverend Leonard Neil Kentish, on 5 February 1943.
On 29 August 1946, the Adjutant of 3 Australian Prisoner of War Contact and Enquiry Unit reported on the circumstances of the Reverend Leonard Kentish’s death at Dobo in the Aru Islands (now part of Indonesia):
1. The Rev KENTISH was taken on board a Jap float plane on Jan 22 43 after it had sunk the patrol vessel HMAS “PATRICIA CAM” off WESSEL IS.
2. Unfortunately no info can be obtained of the whereabouts of the Rev KENTISH until 13 Apr 43, when he arrived at DOBO.
3. The Rev KENTISH was held at DOBO as a prisoner till the 4 May 43. Throughout this period he was subjected to ill treatment by severe bashings, the most common being punches in the nose and eyes to such an extent that his nose was broken, and he had great difficulty in seeing. His diet, as such, was just sufficient to keep him alive.
4. On the morning of 4 May he was taken in to the scrub, (a distance of under 200 yds from the township of DOBO) where a grave had been prepared, and executed.
5. The execution was carried out by the order of 1st Lieut SAKIDJIMA.
6. The remains of the Rev KENTISH have been recovered, and handed over to Capt STOCKWELL, of the War Graves Unit. They will be transported to AMBON, and buried in the Internees cemetery there.
7. This case is now considered closed. All dates must be treated as approx.
Attached hereto copy of dental chart received with above report.
Leonard Kentish, a Methodist missionary and civilian coastwatcher, had been one of the passengers on the stores carrier, HMAS Patricia Cam as it travelled from Millingimbi towards Cape Wessel in the Northern Territory. On 22 January 1943, there was a tremendous explosion on board and the ship began to sink. Two men were killed in the explosion and the survivors leapt quickly into the water, some without even their life jackets. The Japanese floatplane, which had bombed the ship, flew over the men in the water. It strafed them and dropped another bomb into their midst killing more of the men. The aircraft landed in the water and one of the Japanese air crew ordered Kentish, who was nearest them, to swim over. He was hauled onto the aircraft and they flew away. The survivors from the Patricia Cam were rescued a week later but the fate of Kentish was not discovered until long after the Japanese had surrendered.
In 1946, it was discovered that Leonard Kentish’s Japanese captors had beheaded him on 5 February 1943. At 9.45 am on 21 May 1948, a Military Court was convened in Hong Kong and the three men accused of his murder appeared before the court.
183+. +
KNIFE Kimberleys, WA (with Fr McNab) See Duncan McNAB
184. Mary KNIGHT, humility, Cockatoo, Vic 10 Jan 1929 - 17 May 1994 B. Beenak
Rev. Robert KNOPWOOD (1763 ~1838) - Pioneer Christian Priest in Port Phillip & Van Diemens Land (Tasmania VDL/ TAS - Born: 2 June 1763 Threxton, Norfolk, England - Died: September 1838, buried at St Matthew's, Rokeby, TASMANIA
Knopwood, Robert (Bobby) (1763–1838) by Linda Monks
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 2, (MUP), 1967
Knopwood was well-liked, kind and affable. He travelled widely in the colony, ministering to convict road-gangs as well as settlers. He was often ill (alcohol his only relief from pain) yet received no help until in 1819 the Rev. John Youl arrived; but he died in 1827.... Knopwood the Faithful servant : - Some writers have concentrated on the later Knopwood - the sick, alcoholic and embittered old man. They forget the faithful priest who had worked hard to build up the church from mainly convicts - often vicious liars, cheats, murderers and drunkards. We can acknowledge faults, but should see him as a faithful servant.
He died in September 1838, buried at St Matthew's, Rokeby. His close friend, the first Roman Catholic priest in the Colony (arrived 1821), died in August 1839.
-[Two Hundred Years of Anglican Worship in Tasmania]
187. Hans Johannes KNORR, Catholic sculptor b.1915 Bavaria > Emerald Victoria
Naturalised 1932. Interned at Murchison
Hilde Alice (nee DENT) KNORR b. Gippsland (28 January 1917- 10th October 2009) novelist Emerald Victoria /
Hilde Alice (nee DENT) KNORR
Born: 28 January 1917 Tamjil, Gippsland, Victoria
Works: [The titles are: Fire Won't Burn Stick; Shoemakers' Children; The Mystic Lake; Group with Lady; A Private Viewing; Journey with a Stranger; Also Each Other; How Deep Is High; The Space Between; From An Australian Homestead and other Poems (lim. edition); and Merriang, An Early Victorian Homestead. Fine.]
Died: 10 October 2009@ age 92 Greensborough, Victoria
Funeral: The Funeral Service for the late Mrs Hilde Knorr was held at Inglewood Estate Chapel, 130 Eltham-Yarra Glen Rd, Kangaroo Ground (Melbourne)[Published in Herald Sun on October 15, 2009]
- from THE AGE Newspaper - obituary page
28-1-1917 - 10-10-2009
HILDE Knorr, the author of 14 published works and co-founder of the Emerald Gallery, died at a private nursing home in Greensborough, aged 92.
Born Hilde Dent, she was one of nine siblings in an exuberant family on a farm in the Tanjil Valley in Gippsland. One uncle was Sir George Bell, a hero of the Battle of Beersheeba in Palestine. He became speaker of the House of Representatives.
Of more interest to the cluster of wide-eyed children was another uncle, Will, said to have been killed by islanders in the South Pacific, a family legend which, when the story was told by historian Peter Corris in Lightning Meets the West Wind, turned out to be true.
When Hilde talked of her childhood, she reminisced about running wild along the river flats and chasing kangaroos, about watching from the hay loft as rain swept over the paddocks, sitting by the fire listening to her parents read Tennyson and Shakespeare. It was a childhood in which books and nature established themselves as the twin poles of her inner life.
She first found artistic expression in the violin. Forced by the Depression to leave school at 15, she showed early the determination that was to mark her career by gaining entry to the Conservatorium at Melbourne University, studying under renowned teacher Gertrude Healy and laying the foundations for a career in music.
Her life was transformed when she fell in love with a recently released German internee, Hans Knorr, who would go on to become one of the pre-eminent sculptors of his generation.
They married within three months of meeting, and together built the Emerald Gallery, Victoria's first privately owned rural gallery.
As documented in her memoir, Journey with a Stranger, Hilde and Hans gave each other unstinting support as they set out on that rockiest of roads, the life of the creative artist. The ebullient Hans' response to the many obstacles, financial or artistic, they encountered, was always: ''We'll just get up one hour earlier!''
The gallery became the hub of a rich circle of friends - fellow artists, academics and eccentrics, ordinary people who came simply because they admired the couple's work and personalities.
Hilde then decided to start selling Devonshire teas after calculating that they had given 162 cups of tea to visitors in the preceding month.
Despite raising four children and running the gallery, Hilde gradually found her own creative metier. Shoemaker's Children was the first in a string of published works that included novels, poetry and short fiction.
The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature said of her work: ''Concerned with the subtleties of human relationships and the equally subtle, unpredictable working of destiny, Knorr deals with a range of characters and experience in her fiction. Reconciliation, either with others or with wounding events of the past, is one of her major themes.''
Hilde was of a generation that possessed a broad range of resources and skills, as willing to turn her hand to the restoration of a piece of colonial furniture as she was to the crafting of a poem. One of the significant achievements in her life was the restoration of the Merriang Homestead in the Ovens Valley. When Hans and Hilde first came across it in the late 1970s, the buildings had deteriorated to the stage where they were used as accommodation for itinerant workers.
The couple had the insight and foresight to see that the unique dwelling, a precious reminder of Australia's pastoral heritage, was in danger of being lost. They had the drive to do something about it. Over the next 10 years, they succeeded in transforming Merriang into one of the finest surviving examples of rural Georgian architecture.
Hilde had an inherent sense of ethics and a lifelong commitment to causes such as Oxfam, the Australian Conservation Foundation and the Red Cross. Even in her last days, she bristled with anger at the treatment meted out to refugees and indigenous Australians.
Another organisation close to her heart, given that her husband spent many years in incarceration, was Amnesty International. Over the decades, she wrote hundreds of letters to dictators across the world calling for the release of political prisoners.
Hilde was blessed with a restless, creative intelligence. Born a Methodist, she converted to her husband's Catholicism...
Hilde died with ... a beautiful wood carving by her late husband at her feet. She is survived by her children, John, Michael, Andrew and Kristin, and nine grandchildren.
This tribute was prepared by Andrew and Kristin Knorr and Adrian Hyland.
Marion Miller KNOWLES, Singer of the "Hills, Catholic teacher, poet, writer, Champion of the Divine Mystery in Creation, from Woods Point, Alpine Victoria & Melbourne
Parents James MILLER & Anna Maria BOWEN
Born: 8 August 1865 at Woods Point, Victoria
Married:19 September 1901 St Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne
Husband: widower, Joseph KNOWLES
Works: poems of appreciations toward Nature, children, love and death - Songs From The Hills; Shamrock and Wattle Bloom, Fronds from the Blacks' Spur (1911);
Writer in the Catholic ADVOCATE - Aunt Patsy' of the 'Children's Corner'
Teaching: Woods Point, Healesville, Box Hill, Melbourne
Death: 16 September 1949
Burial: Brighton cemetery, Victoria
From : Australian Dictionary of Biography ADB Online: -
Knowles, Marion (1865–1949)
by Cecily Close
Marion Knowles (1865-1949), writer, was born on 8 August 1865 at Woods Point, Victoria, eldest child of Irish immigrants James Miller, storekeeper, and his Catholic wife Anne Maria, née Bowen. She was educated privately until, the family's prosperity declining, she became a pupil-teacher at the local state school in December 1878. In 1886 she began a long period of relief teaching in Melbourne, in various country towns, and in remote and lonely one-teacher schools. In January 1893 she became junior assistant at Box Hill, remaining there until her marriage on 19 September 1901 at St Patrick's Cathedral to a widower, Joseph Knowles, a Melbourne city valuator.
In childhood Marion Miller learned to love poetry and soon attempted her own. Thereafter, verse came 'most naturally' to express her feelings toward Nature, children, love and death. When teaching isolated her from family and friends, she also wrote sketches of country life and characters observed and remembered. First writing as 'John Desmond', she contributed poems and sketches to the Australasian, then edited by D. Watterston whose advice and encouragement she gratefully remembered. In 1896 she published her first novel, Barbara Halliday, and two years later a book of collected verse, Songs from the Hills, both to run to four editions; in 1900 Shamrock and Wattle Bloom, a collection of tales and sketches, appeared.
In September 1899 Marion Miller commenced a women's column in the Advocate and in 1900 became 'Aunt Patsy' of the 'Children's Corner'. When a legal separation from her husband left her with a small allowance on which to bring up two boys (a daughter had died at birth), her friend Joseph Winter appointed her to the Advocate staff. Working at home but leaving household matters to a housekeeper (as she would do for the rest of her life), she remained with the Advocate after his death until obliged to retire in April 1927. Then, through the paper, a committee raised a testimonial of £334, a deposit on a house in Kew, her home thereafter.
Marion Miller Knowles played a leading part in the organization of the Catholic laity before World War I, becoming foundation president of the Catholic Women's Club in 1913, later chairing the board of directors of its hostel. Also in 1913, through the Advocate, she helped to form a social club for single Catholics. During the war she organized the dispatch of parcels to Catholic soldiers, and in 1919 chaired the committee responsible for welcoming them home. From early in the century she was honorary secretary of the committee for St Joseph's Home for Destitute Children, Surrey Hills, and after World War II, its patron. She was appointed M.B.E. in 1938.
While running her women's and children's pages, soon considerably expanded, Marion Miller Knowles published a second collection of verse, Fronds from the Blacks' Spur (1911), and further gift booklets of verse between 1913 and 1923. She continued to write serial stories for the Advocate and other Catholic papers, including the Irish Catholic (Dublin), publishing some in Melbourne in book form: Corinne of Corrall's Bluff (1912), The Little Doctor (1919), The House of the Garden of Roses (1923) and Meg of Minadong (1926). On retirement she issued through Pellegrini in Sydney Pretty Nan Hartigan and Pierce O'Grady's Daughter (1928), The wonder find at Power's Luck (a mining tale) and a second edition of The Little Doctor (1929).
In celebrating Catholicity these romances with country settings, their characters chiefly Irish-Australian, attracted only a small readership; even Catholic reviews could be lukewarm. Despairing of promotion by booksellers and critics, she advertised and distributed her books from home with some success. In retirement, her name no longer before the Catholic public, and unable to attend functions of the Australian Literary Society of which she was a long-standing member, she feared herself forgotten. However, in 1931 she was granted a Commonwealth Literary Fund pension of ten shillings a week, and in 1935 a committee of friends arranged publication of her Selected Poems, which in 1937 reappeared in two volumes: The Harp of the Hills and Lyrics of Wind and Wave.
In good health but with failing eyesight, Marion Knowles, stout and bespectacled, remained in her home until shortly before she died on 16 September 1949. Survived by her sons, she was buried in Brighton cemetery.
Select Bibliography
J. R. Stevens (compiler), Adam Lindsay Gordon and Other Australian Writers (Melb, 1937)
Weekly Times (Melbourne), 18 June 1910
Advocate (Melbourne), 23 June 1927, 22 Sept 1949
J. Booth and J. Howlett Ross papers (State Library of Victoria)
A3753 72/2760 (National Archives of Australia)
records, History Section, Dept of Education (Victoria).
190. + KORIENGBIN/ David SIMPSON of the Djadja Wurrung, Franklinford, Victoria
191. =
Bro. Ernest Eugene KRAMER [Ernst Eugen KRAMER] b. Basil, Switzerland
Brother Ernest Eugene KRAMER, son of Carl Friedrich KRAMER, was born on the 10th May 1889 at Basle, Canton Basel Stadt, Switzerland.
Responding to a felt call to be a missionary in Australia Kramer emigrated out of Switzerland via Bristol, England, where he spent five weeks, and then embarked at the Port of Liverpool on the steamship 'S.S.SUEVIC' to arrive in Australia at the Port of Adelaide on the 9th September 1909. Upon disembarking Kramer lived in Adelaide and then in Melbourne for eighteen months.
Ernst Eugen KRAMER was married to Euphemia BUCHANAN in 1912 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Euphemia BUCHANAN was born in 1897 in Clunes, near Creswick, the daughter of Ballarat-born Colin Campbell Buchanan and his wife, Geelong-born, Catherine McLeod Murchison. After they were maried the Kramers went to Central Australia as missionaries with the Aborigines. In about 1915-1918 Kramer was Registered as an Enemy Alien both in North Melbourne, Victoria, and at Port Pirie, South Australia. In 1923 the Kramers were living at Tranmere, SOuth Australia, and working as missionaries for no organisation. It was then that he took the ooath of his aliens memorial and was naturalised on the 28th February 1923 at Adelaide.
"In 1928 the missionary E.E. Kramer, guided by the late ‘Tiger’ Tjalkalyiri, gave a Christian service south of Uluru. He was the first non-Aboriginal person to record Uluru as a sacred place: ‘the most sacred spot in all the country around [where] natives come for their ceremonies and certain sections are not allowed to Aboriginal women on the pains of sure death" - Uluru- Kata Tjuta National Park Notes - [9PN.NA History carolyn 10/19/01 7:05 PM Page 2]
Kramer Children : -
1. Colin Eugene b.28th January 1913 Hotham East, North Melbourne, Victoria
2, Mary Catherine b. 9th January 1918, Farina, North Flinders Ranges, Sth Aust.
3. Euphemia Faith b. 12th June 1923 Davenport, South Australia
4. Grace Murchison b. 28th August 1926
Ernst Eugen KRAMER died at age 68 years on the 16th February 1958 at Torrens Park, Adelaide, South Australia. His wife Euphemia survived him to died at age 84 at Mitcham, Adelaide, South Australia.
Kramer, Ernest Eugene (1889–1958) - by Andrew Markus
Ernest Eugene Kramer (1889-1958), missionary, was born on 10 May 1889 at Basel, Switzerland, son of German-born parents Karl Friedrich Kramer, storekeeper, and his wife Maria Elisabeth, née Reinhardt. Educated locally, Ernst became fluent in French and German, and trained as a milling engineer. In 1909 he emigrated to South Australia where he began work in a mill at Salisbury. On 21 March 1912 at Bena, Victoria, he married Euphemia Buchanan (d.1971) with Presbyterian forms.
In 1912 Kramer became convinced of his calling to take the word of God to settlers and Aborigines in the interior. Between 1913 and 1921 he made three extended journeys on his self-appointed mission. Reputedly a fine bushman and a skilled mechanic, he travelled with his wife and infant children in a covered wagon, pulled by donkeys, over some of the driest and most isolated parts of South and Central Australia. Kramer had no regular income and was dependent on donations of food and money. He interpreted his capacity to survive as a sign of divine providence and recorded his experiences in Australian Caravan Mission to Bush People and Aboriginals (1922?).
Having visited Alice Springs, Northern Territory, on his travels, Kramer returned there in 1923. In 1925 the Aborigines' Friends' Association appointed him its missionary for Central Australia. Kramer kept the A.F.A. informed of the Aborigines' condition. Assisted by his wife and eldest daughter Mary, he ministered to the needs of Aborigines who had 'come in' from the surrounding country. He built a non-denominational church where he held regular prayer-meetings and used an Arrernte translation of the Gospels. In the cooler months he toured by camel-team and later by motorcar, proselytizing and dispensing food and medicine. In 1928-29 he supervised the Jay Creek 'half-caste' children's home. Scientists and clergymen valued his services as a guide.
Kramer was popular among the Aborigines. Rather than aiming to 'civilize' them, he brought them 'The Light of Life'—knowledge of Jesus. He did, however, urge them to cease fighting among themselves and to leave cattle alone. In 1932 he called for police intervention to protect Aboriginal women and children from the violent behaviour of their men. In preference to sentencing Aborigines to prison, he advocated the use of corporal punishment, administered under medical supervision.
At a time of extreme racism Kramer spoke for the humanity of the Aboriginal people. He entreated the government to increase its spending, and on numerous occasions drew attention to the suffering of those deprived of land and access to watering places. Professor (Sir) John Cleland praised Kramer for 'doing as much as anyone in Australia to protect' the Aborigines. Yet, Kramer also accepted the right of Europeans to appropriate land in semi-arid and arid regions, publicly supported the pastoralists' interests and tempered his criticism of the way that Aborigines were treated.
After resigning from his post in 1934, Kramer worked as a representative of the British and Foreign Bible Society, in Melbourne for fifteen years and then in Adelaide. He died of acute leukaemia on 16 February 1958 in Adelaide and was buried in Mitcham cemetery; his wife, son and three daughters survived him.
Select Bibliography
Aborigines' Friends' Assn, Annual Report, 1925-1929
Aborigines' Friends' Assn papers (State Library of South Australia).
1. KRAMER, Ernest Eugene (1889–1958) - by Andrew Markus ADB Online
2. Letter from Bro. E. E. Kramer [missionary to Aborigines]
Sidney Herbert KIDMAN:
Sir Sidney Herbert KIDMAN:- Champion of the Dignity of Aborigines, Treated Indigenous Peope as Equals, Moralist, Public Benefactor, Philanthropist,
Parents: George KIDMAN, farmer, & Elizabeth Mary NUNN -of Fifth Creek
Birth: 9 May 1857 Glen Stuart, Athelstone, South Australia, Australia
Cultural Heritages: Suffolk, English; Anglo-Celtic Australian, German-Australia; Australia Aboriginal
Christianity: Maverick, demanding, prophetic & moral Good Samaritanism
Qualities: Moral Courage, Christian Justice, Dignity, Fair Treatment, Charity
Marriage: 30 June 1885 @ the Residence of Mrs Will, Kapunda, northern Barossa Valley, South Australia
Wife: Isabel Brown WRIGHT, schoolteacher, daughter of John Wright
Occupation: Squatter, Grazier, Landowner, Stock Breeder, 'The Cattle King,' Benefactor
1. Annie Gertrude Kidman b.25 Feb 1887 Kapunda;
2. Elma Thomson Kidman b.18 July 1887 Kapunda;
3. Edna Gwendoline Kidman (11 June 1890 ~ 20 Dec 1895) Kapunda
4. Edith Kidman b.25 Feb 1893 Kapunda;
5. Norman Sidney Pelthorpe Kidman (20 April 1897 ~ 2 Aug 1898) Kapunda;
6. Walter Sidney Pelthorpe Kidman b. 26 June 1900 Kapunda, South Australia.
Death: 2 September 1935 Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
Burial: Mitcham cemetery, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia
From Australian Dictionary of Biography - ADB OnLine -
Kidman, Sir Sidney (1857–1935)
by Russel Ward
Sir Sidney Kidman (1857-1935), pastoralist, was born on 9 May 1857, probably at Athelstone near Adelaide, third son of George Kidman, farmer, and his wife Elizabeth Mary, née Nunn, who were married in St Mary's Church of England at Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, England, in 1848. Next year they migrated to South Australia. George Kidman died about six months after Sidney's birth. His son was educated at private schools in suburban Norwood but left home with five shillings in his pocket and riding a one-eyed horse which he had bought with laboriously acquired savings. He stole away by night and made his way to Poolamacca station in the Barrier Range where his brother George found him a job with George Raines, a landless bushman who roamed about with his stock, squatting on the unfenced runs wherever he found good feed. This 'corner' country of New South Wales later became the heartland of Kidman's pastoral empire.
The boy shared a dug-out in the bank of a dry creek with an Aboriginal known among whites as Billy. Treating him seriously as a friend and equal, Sidney learned from him tracking and other bush skills and so became a better bushman than most white adults. He learned also to admire and exploit Aboriginals: for the rest of his life he rarely travelled in the back-country, where he was most at home, without an Aboriginal guide and offsider. When Raines moved on, Kidman worked for a year or two as a rouseabout on Mount Gipps station, the site of the fabulous silver-lead-zinc discovery at Broken Hill a decade later. When he asked for a rise he was sacked, but found work as a stockman for a neighbouring shanty-keeper, German Charlie. Here he saved enough money to buy a bullock-team. Thenceforth he worked for himself and soon employed others.
Kidman contracted to cart supplies in the country between the isolated settlements at Mount Gipps, Wilcannia, Swan Hill (Victoria), Menindee, Bourke, Tibooburra, Louth and Cobar. He also drove mobs of horses and cattle, sometimes to market in Adelaide. Following the discovery of copper at Cobar in the early 1870s he set up a butcher's shop and, like James Tyson at the Bendigo gold rush twenty years earlier, made enough money to establish himself as a large squatter. In 1878 he inherited £400 from his grandfather and traded with it successfully. He increased his capital by setting up coaching businesses in western New South Wales and in Western Australia. He supplied them with horses and began providing the British army in India with remounts. He grew richer still by continually buying cattle and selling them to his brother Sackville, who conducted a large butchering business at Broken Hill.
These activities were a means to an end. In 1886 Kidman bought his first station, Owen Springs on the Hugh River, south-west of Alice Springs. Long before his thirtieth birthday he had conceived the idea of buying a chain, later two chains, of stations stretching in nearly continuous lines from the well-watered tropical country round the Gulf of Carpentaria, south through western Queensland to Broken Hill, and across the border into South Australia within easy droving distance of Adelaide. Many stations on this 'main chain' were watered by Cooper's Creek and the Georgina and Diamantina rivers which sometimes brought northern tropical rain-waters to the centre even during droughts. By the 1890s he had begun to acquire his second chain of stations strung along the Overland Telegraph line from the Fitzroy River and Victoria River Downs in the north to Wilpena station in the Flinders Ranges near Adelaide. Thus, by moving stock from drought-stricken areas to others, by selling in markets where the price was highest, by his detailed knowledge of the country, and by his energy and bushcraft he withstood the depression of the 1890s and the great drought of 1902. By the time of World War I he controlled station country considerably greater in area than England or Tasmania and nearly as great as Victoria.
By the war's end he had become a national institution, having given fighter aeroplanes and other munificent gifts to the armed forces. In 1920 he gave to the Salvation Army £1000 and a half share in one of his cattle-stations. In 1921 he gave his country home at Kapunda, the scene of his annual horse-sales, to the South Australian government for a district high school. It may have been mere coincidence that he was knighted next day. He grew richer still by bilking the government of taxes. In August 1924 the Federal treasurer, Dr Earle Page, issued a writ for recovery of £166,067. Kidman was fined £10 with four guineas costs for having failed to furnish land tax returns, the magistrate remarking with breath-taking disingenuousness that 'a heavier penalty would serve no purpose to a man in Sir Sidney Kidman's position'. Three years later, after High Court of Australia litigation, the government accepted £25,132 in settlement of his land tax debts. By this time 'Kidman' meant in fact a complex of interlocking companies, partnerships and agencies with branches in all the mainland capital cities and some country towns. Kidman and his children seem to have controlled the whole apparatus from Adelaide. In 1927 he retired.
On 30 June 1885 he had married at Kapunda Isabel Brown Wright, a schoolteacher; they had three daughters and a son. His wife taught him much and they travelled overseas four times. Kidman was six feet (183 cm) tall and well built, with an affable manner and an easy smile. He made friends readily and was a good judge of people. Like Churchill, Napoleon and some other great achievers, he could go to sleep anywhere and in almost any position. He never touched alcohol or tobacco or was profane, even his bullock teams being abused only as 'jolly tinkers'. In the Kidman country stories of his meanness still circulate today, but in fact he was a generous employer and benefactor to many institutions. His reputation for meanness sprang from his hatred of wastefulness; he was known to sack employees he considered guilty of it. His strength had been as a dealer rather than a breeder: he exploited the pastoral areas rather than developed them. In old age he suffered from increasing deafness and rheumatism, but otherwise retained his faculties unimpaired until his death in Adelaide on 2 September 1935; he was buried in Mitcham general cemetery. Kidman's estate, amounting to some £300,000, was mostly left to his family, but much went to charities.
Select Bibliography
E. J. Brady, Australia Unlimited (Melb, 1918)
I. L. Idriess, The Cattle King (Syd, 1936)
A Hundred Famous Australian Lives (Syd, 1969)
Pastoral Review, 15 Jan, 16 Sept 1903, 15 Aug 1910, 16 Jan 1911
Observer (Adelaide), 5 Sept 1903, 17 July 1920, 4, 11 June 1921, 2 Feb 1924, 21 Mar 1925, 17 July 1926, 5 May, 23 June, 18, 28 Aug 1928
Catholic Press, 3 Nov 1904
Punch (Melbourne), 1 May 1913
Town and Country Journal, 27 July 1910, 22 May 1918
Australasian (Melbourne), 4 June 1921
Freeman's Journal (Sydney), 11 Aug 1921
Chronicle (Adelaide), 6 Nov 1930
Times (London), 3 Sept 1935
Argus (Melbourne), 9 Sept 1935
Australian Worker, 11 Sept 1935
business records of S. Kidman & Co. Pty Ltd 1886-1928 (State Records of South Australia).
Rev Copland KING - Pioneer Anglican Missionary in Papua & New Guinea
Heritage: Great grandson of Philip Gidley King, Governor of NSW
Birth: 24 June 1863 Parramatta, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Occupation: Anglican Minster; Frontier Missionary
Death: 5 October 1918 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Australian Dictionary of Biography - ADB Online:
ALPHACRUCIS - Austalian Dictionary of Evangelical Biography
193. + Dan KYLE, Palm Island
"MERWULIDJI" Reverend Lazarus LAMILAMI O.B.E. (1908-1977)
'Merwulidji did much to build bridges of understanding between white and aboriginal races. He frequently said: "We must walk hand in hand together." Keith Cole
"MERWULIDJI" Rev. Lazarus LAMILAMI O.B.E.(1908-1977)
Parents: semi-nomadic Maung people, NT
Birth: 1908 Maung Country, Souwest of Goulburn Island, Northern Territory
Christianity: 1916 Methodist Mission, Goulburn Island, NT
Occupation: boatman, carpenter, preacher, pastor, lecturer
Service: Methodist Overseas Mission boatman, Croker Island; mission carpenter, Goulburn Island; local preacher & deputationist
Education: 1965 Methodist Training
Ordination: 5 November 1966
Ministry: Croker Island; Nungalinga College
Specialisation: Cross-cultural Understanding
Qualities: Grace, Humour, bridge-building, understanding
Death: 21 September 1977 Darwin Hospital, NT
193+. Gideon Scott LANG, Queensland
Rev. John Dunmore LANG, presbyterian
195. George LANGHORNE - missiona to port Phillip , Toorak (Botanic Gardens
Lilla LASHMAR of New Guinea Missionary Martyr
Lilla LASHMAR of New Guinea, Missionary Martyr - ABM Anglican
Name: Lilla Filmer LASHMAR
Born: 10 August 1895 Antechamber Bay, Kangaroo Island, Yankalilla District, South Australia
Father: 'Harry' Harold LASHMAR
Mother: Frances Ann Ladd BUICK
Cultural Influence:
Christianity: Anglican
Death: 28 August 1942 Buna Beach PNG [OR 2 September 1942 Sangara, New Guinea]
FROM: SA MEMORY The State Library of South Australia
"Lilla Lashmar of Sangara, who in her last letter to her mother a short time before the invasion, writing of the uncertainties of life then, said, 'I only want to be a good soldier of Jesus Christ'.' The Story of the New Guinea Martyrs by Revd. E. C. Rowland
Lilla Lashmar, from Kangaroo Island, volunteered for work with the Australian Board of Missions and, after training in Sydney, travelled to New Guinea in December 1929. For 12 years Lilla taught and worked at various mission stations. Adelaide girl, Sister May Hayman, joined the mission in 1936 and became engaged to a missionary priest. In 1941 war was declared in the Pacific, and the Japanese invaded New Guinea. Bishop Philip Strong and his staff made the decision not to evacuate, but to remain with the local people. Tragically, this resulted in the execution of Lashmar and Hayman, along with priests and other mission workers including a small boy, by the Japanese on the beach at Buna in August 1942. More killings of clergymen and workers followed. To this day, the Australian Anglican Church commemorates the New Guinea Martyrs every year on 2 September.
196. =
Charles Joseph LA TROBE, Melbourne VIC
William George LAWES of New Guinea (1839-1907) Missionary, New Guinea.
William George LAWES (1839-1907)
Parents: Richard LAWES, tailor, and Mary, née PICKOVER
Born: 1 July 1839 Aldermaston, Thames Valley, Berkshire, England
Cultural Influence: West Country English; Londoner English; South Seas Islander, New Guinean & Papuan, Australian
Education: Village school at Mortimer West End; 2. London Missionary Society Training school at Bedford, England
Christianity: Congregationalist, Coalface Mission Christian; Southseas Christian, Pastor & Minister
Occupation: Christian Missionary; Christian Minister
Character: intrepid, pertinent,
Cross: Fever, Untimely death of son, Wife's illness, Murder of James Chalmers
Death: 6 August 1907 Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Burial: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
From Australian Dictionary of Biography
Lawes, William George (1839–1907)
by H. J. Gibbney
William George Lawes (1839-1907), missionary, was born on 1 July 1839 at Aldermaston, Berkshire, England, son of Richard Lawes, tailor, and his wife Mary, née Pickover. Educated in a village school at Mortimer West End, he was apprenticed for six years and in 1858 volunteered for service with the London Missionary Society. He was trained at Bedford and two weeks before ordination on 8 November 1860 he married Fanny Wickham; on 23 November they sailed for the Pacific.
Lawes was posted first to Savage Island (Niue), where in 1868 he was joined by his brother Frank. On 15 January 1872 he began a furlough during which he travelled thirteen thousand miles (20,921 km) in Britain lecturing on the missions. In April 1874 he sailed for New Guinea and in November settled at Port Moresby with his wife and children as the first permanent European residents of Papua. Despite attacks of fever which decimated his Polynesian teaching staff and killed his youngest son, Lawes became an expert in the Motuan language and a respected friend of all the south coast tribes. His first European colleague, appointed in 1876, left when his wife became ill but in 1877 James Chalmers arrived, and early in 1878 Lawes left for England on furlough. In four years he had started eleven new mission stations and produced the first book in a Papuan language.
Lawes was then a public figure. Australian miners in Port Moresby in 1878 sought his return to smooth the relations with natives. From that time his unrivalled knowledge of Papua was in constant demand. Soon after his return in 1881 he helped the exploring parties of 1883, and in 1884 served as interpreter for the Protectorate proclamation by James Elphinstone Erskine. Lawes and his wife went to Sydney as Erskine's guests in H.M.S. Nelson and then toured Victoria and New South Wales. Since 1872 he had fought abuses of the Pacific labour trade and provided much of the ammunition for the work of Erskine's uncle on the subject in the House of Commons.
In 1885 Lawes travelled round the Papuan coast as unofficial adviser to Sir Peter Scratchley. Lawes's Grammar and Vocabulary of Language spoken by Motu Tribe, New Guinea was also published in 1885 and in May 1886 he went on furlough, returning in October 1887. Despite differences with the government secretary he was in demand as an adviser to the colonial government of Sir William MacGregor. Lawes had many helpers at his mission but its monopoly was soon eroded by the arrival of other sects and the delineation of spheres of influence.
In 1891 Lawes visited England and toured the Australian colonies as a lecturer in 1892. Soon after his return he decided to hand the administration of the mission to a younger colleague and to concentrate on a new training college at Vatorata where he served for ten years. In 1894 he was awarded a doctorate of divinity by the University of Glasgow on MacGregor's recommendation. The murder of Chalmers in 1901 was a serious blow and in 1906 Lawes retired. He left Port Moresby in March and settled at Sydney where he died on 6 August 1907. He was survived by his wife and three of their six children. His son Frank served as a government officer in the protectorate and colony; when he died in 1894 MacGregor described him as one who knew and sympathized with the natives.
Although Lawes travelled widely and understood his people he was more scholar and administrator than pioneer. His partnership with the adventurous Chalmers was almost an ideal combination.
Select Bibliography
J. King, W. G. Lawes of Savage Island and New Guinea (Lond, 1909)
British New Guinea, Annual Report, 1888-1905
LMS papers (National Library of Australia)
W. G. Lawes diary 1876-77, 1881-84 (State Library of New South Wales)
Protectorate and colony papers (National Archives of Papua New Guinea).
Peter 'LALOR' LAWLOR, Eureka Stockade, Parliamentarian, Speaker
Henry Sutherland Wightman LAWSON

Premier Harry S W LAWSON
Sir Harry Sutherland Wightman LAWSON
Parents: Rev. J.W. LAWSON and Penelope Bell, nee HAWKINS
Born: 5 March 1875 Dunolly, Victoria
Marriage: 1901, Olive Adele Horwood; 4s. 4d.
Occupation: Lawyer
Religion: Presbyterian, Broad Church Christian
Education: Castlemaine Grammar School and Scotch College; matriculated 1892 and took articled clerks' course at Melbourne University
Career: Admitted Supreme Court 1908, and partner in Newell & Lawson, Castlemaine; became head of H. S. W. Lawson & Company KCMG 1933. Town councillor Castlemaine 1898-1899 and mayor of borough 1905-1906; after retirement from politics, held many public positions.
Party: National; National-Country Coalition
Appointments 1: President Board Land & Works and commissioner Crown Lands & Survey 22 Dec 1913-9 Nov 1915;
Appointments 2 :Attorney-General, Solicitor-General and Minister Public Instruction 9 Nov 1915-29 Nov 1917;
Appointments 3: Premier of Victoria 21 Mar 1918-28 Apr 1924;
Appointments 4 : Treasurer of Victoria 27 Feb 1924-28 Apr 1924.
Australian Parliamentary Service: Senator 1929-1935
Died: 12 June 1952. (East Melbourne. Springvale crematorium)
Reference: - Sir Henry Lawson: Premier and Senator - by: Lawson, Robert S
John Albert LEACH - Presbyterian Christian Educationalist, Pedagog, Teacher, Scientist, Naturalist & Natural Historia. Compiler of 'The Victorian School Readers.' A founder the Gould League of Bird Lovers.
From - Australian Dictionary of Biography - ADB ONLINE
Leach, John Albert (1870–1929)
by Tess Kloot
Birth: 19 March 1870 Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Death: 3 October 1929 Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cultural Heritage: English / Irish
Religious Influence:
Occupation: adult educator /naturalist /ornithologist /radio commentator /school inspector /schoolteacher
John Albert Leach (1870-1929), teacher and naturalist, was born on 19 March 1870 at Ballarat West, Victoria, son of William Leach, English-born coachsmith, and his wife Bedelia, née Honan, from Ireland. After matriculation from Creswick Grammar School, where he was dux, Leach worked as an unpaid student teacher at Dana Street State School, Ballarat, before gaining his trained teacher's certificate at the Melbourne Training College in 1890. He began a lifetime of professional employment with the Education Department of Victoria by teaching briefly at Mount Prospect and Footscray State schools and serving as head-teacher at Goyura (Rosebery) in the Mallee.
In 1892, before his marriage to Emily Hannah Lamert Gillman on 19 October (1892) at Christchurch, Ballarat, he received a longer-lasting appointment to Bengworden (Bairnsdale). He studied science at the Bairnsdale School of Mines, deepened his interest in natural history and pursued his hobbies of debating, cricket, tennis and horse-riding. He first became involved in adult education when in 1898 he was transferred to Moormung (Rosehill) State School where he conducted evening classes in physics. He went on to lecture to the Workers' Educational Association and was for twenty-five years a member of the University Extension Board, acting as secretary for seven years. -
continued below
The children of John Albert and Emily Hannah Lamert LEACH were: -
1. John Albert Leach b. 1892 Bairnsdale;
2. Violet Eileen Leach (1894-1895) Bairnsdale;
3. Sylvia Florence Leach b. 1895 Bairnsdale;
4. Basil Wood Leach b. 1899 Bairnsdale.
- ADB Online continues
In 1901 Leach returned to Melbourne to study part time for his B.Sc. He graduated in 1904 with exhibitions in biology and geology and next year won a scholarship in biology. His great enthusiasm was the study of Nature; he gained his M.Sc. in 1906 and his D.Sc. in 1912 with a two-part thesis on the myology of Strepera and a revision of the lampreys of Victoria.
From 1904 Leach, as the Education Department's visiting teacher of nature study, was an inspiration to other teachers. His subject was soon accepted into the school curriculum and in February 1905 he became teacher of nature study and geography at the Melbourne Continuation (High) School and, in March, lecturer in nature study and botany at the Training College. He was appointed organizing inspector of nature study in 1907 and in 1911 and 1912 published a complete scheme for the teaching of the subject in the Education Gazette and Teachers' Aid. Leach led many field excursions and, although these were planned for small groups, attendance swelled and the trips soon became regular features of school life. In October 1909 Leach also helped to found the Gould League of Bird Lovers; its membership of 25,000 in its first year was a tribute to his organizing ability. He was made a senior inspector of schools in 1920, rising to assistant chief inspector in 1924.
Leach contributed monthly articles to the Education Gazette on natural history subjects from 1905 until 1919. With others he produced a series of six geography textbooks for elementary schools and a more advanced book for teachers. In 1908, assisted by Herbert Wilson, he published 'Nature-study: a descriptive list of the birds native to Victoria, Australia' as a supplement to the December issue of the Education Gazette. This was the forerunner of An Australian Bird Book (Melbourne, 1911) which ran to nine editions. His other major publication was Australian Nature Studies (Melbourne, 1922). He had two books in preparation when he died, one a collection of his weekly radio talks on natural history which he had broadcast over 3LO from the mid-1920s.
Leach was a member of the Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria and the Royal Australasian Ornithologists' Union. He was president of the R.A.O.U. in 1922-24 and a painstaking editor of the Emu in 1914-24. He was also convener of their checklist committee, a demanding position as nomenclature decisions for the revised edition of the Official Checklist of the Birds of Australia (1926) called for wise and temperate adjudication. Leach was also a colonial member of the British Ornithologists' Union and a corresponding fellow of the American Ornithologists' Union.
Of medium height and solidly built, Leach was endowed with a sober temperament but was nevertheless capable of enjoying a joke, frequently at his own expense. He died of pericarditis and pleurisy on 3 October 1929 at Richmond and was cremated with Presbyterian forms; he was survived by his wife, son and one of his two daughters. In 1930 members of his nature-study classes formed the Leach Memorial Club which met monthly for many years, participating in botanical, historical and geological excursions.
Select Bibliography
H. M. Whittell, The Literature of Australian Birds (Perth, 1954)
Education Department (Victoria), Vision and Realisation, L. J. Blake ed (Melb, 1973)
Emu, 29 Jan 1930, p 230
C. Barrett, ‘The doctor’, in J. A. Leach, An Australian Bird Book, 8th ed (Melb, 1945)
The Gap, 1965, p 34
Education Department (Victoria), Education Magazine, 28, 1971, p 423
Age (Melbourne), 4 Oct 1929
Argus (Melbourne), 4 Oct 1929.
198. = Ludwig LEICHARDT, NSW- QLD
Rev Samuel LEIGH born 1 September 1785 Milton, Staffordshire, England ~ Joined Wesleyan Missionary Society at Bournemouth in 1814, and arrived in Sydney in the 'HEBE' 10 August 1815.
'His first service was held in a cottage in the Rocks area, where a Wesleyan Society had been meeting since 1812, but he soon turned his attention to the country and went to Castlereagh. He made contact with a farmer, John Lees, who was responsible for building there the first Methodist church in Australia. Leigh opened it on 7 October 1817. He then opened preaching places at Parramatta, Windsor, Liverpool and elsewhere in the district. On 13 September 1818 he laid the foundation stone of a chapel at Windsor...He was an active member of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge and Benevolence and helped to form the Colonial Auxiliary Bible Society in March 1817.'
Leigh died on 2 May 1852 at Parramatta, NSW.
Walter Adam LIDDY, Baptist Minister, Rechabite - with wife Catherine READ/ PHILLIPS & Daughter May Sarah LIDDY, CIM Missionary & Son, Walter Norman LIDDY, Baptist Evangelist & Reverend
LIDDY, Walter Adam b. 1857 Melbourne - son of James LIDDY, (born 1800 Armargh, Ulster, an Irish ex-convict and proprietor of the 'Adam And Eve Hotel' in Little Collins St, Melbourne, who was formerly the proprietor of the 'Adam And Eve Hotel,' at New Town, Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land- and who after his first wife, also a emcipist convict died, was converted to Christian faith married the Christian widow Ann HAMPTON nee DALE, and so, a half-brother of Rosanna Dale Hampton HUNTER, wife of Robert Hunter, of the Methodist and Recha1bit pioneers of Wandin Yallock).
Walter Adam Liddy was a Baptist Minister & Rechabite Missioner in Melbourne and also in Wandin and districts. He died in 1889 at age 30 in Flemington, Melbourne. Buried: Old Baptist Section, Melbourne General Cemetery. On his untimely death his wife Catherine nee READ subsequently remarried, in 1894 to Dunolly-born, William PHILLIPS, and later they went to Sydney with her daughter. His wife was also a daughter of the Rechabite pioneers of Wandin Yallock in the Read family.
LIDDY, Catherine READ b. 1863 Dunolly, Vic. daughter of William Read (1829-1892) of Nottinghamshire & Sarah nee Barnett, settlers and Rechabites @ Wandin Yallock-Seville (Mrs W.A.Liddy m.1880) - when Catherine Read LIDDY was widowed in 1889 she remarried a childhood schoolfrie who was by then also a Baptist Clergyman, Pastor William PHILLIPS (1855–1913) of Lilydale, Vic., and Petersham, NSW- d.1928 Petersham, Sydney NSW
LIDDY, 'May' Sarah May b.1882 Wandin Yallock, Vic - RESIDENCE: March 1905 @ 199 Victoria Parade, Fitzroy, Gertrude, Batman, Vic. - MISSIONARY STUDENT -IMMIGRATION: 10 Oct 1906 from Port Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - Departure for China per the ship "S.S. Eastern: - 1907 OCCUPATION: MISSIONARY with the China Inland Mission @ Ta-ning, Shansi [Shanxi, China] ~ -d.4 April 1908 Ta-ning, Shansi [Shanxi, China] - Died from Typhoid Fever, - BURIED: 6 April 1908 Ta-ning, Shansi [Shanxi, China]
LIDDY, Walter Norman b. 1884 Hawthorn, Victoria, at a time when his parents moved between Wandin and Melbourne. Walter Norman Liddy emigrated at age 19 and arrived in the USA from Sydney in 1904, by which time he was already a clergyman. He became the Baptist Reverend Liddy, a Missionary Minister to the USA, and an acclaimed preacher and pastor in USA, serving Baptist congregations such as in Crawford, Pennsylvania where he was in 1910. In about 1907 he was married, probably in Crawford, Pennsylvania, and his wife became Bessie F Liddy. Their first son, Walter Wakefield LIDDY was born on the 1st September 1909 at Crawford, Pennsylvania. He then served as pastor, in Conning, Buffalo, New York State, where he was in 1914; in Suffolk, New York State where he was in 1917; in Franklinville, Cattaraugus, New York State, where he was in 1920; and again in Conning, Buffalo, Upstate New York where he was in 1925.
Reverend Walter Norman Liddy, as pictured on his 1925 US Passport
On the 22 April 1925 he departed the Port of San Francisco, California on the ship "TAHITI'to visit relatives in Australia - via Tahiti & Wellington, N.Z.

He returned to the USA on the ship "NIAGRA" via Auckland, New Zealand in late 1925.
Signature of 1925.
In 1930 he was serving as pastor in Kittanning, Armstrong, Pennsylvania. Walter Norman Liddy died in 1969 in Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida, USA.
199.a Colonel LIGHT ? Planner- Designer of Adelaide, SA? OR L
Captain Hillel Fredrik LILJEBLAD Missionary Sea Captain
Captain Hillel Fredrik LILJEBLAD - from Finland to Fiji to Five Dock
Birth: 3 November 1849 Muonio, Finland
Christianity: Finnish Lutheran; London Missionary Society: Southseas Mission Christian
Occupation: Missionary Sea Captain; Merchant ship's master; Commander of the London Missionary Society’s schooner Ellengowan.
Key Events: 1884 witness to declaration of the British Protectorate of New Guinea
Marriage: 19 July 1886 in ? Queensland, Australia
Wife: Charlotte HUDSON - died: 1935 at Five Dock, Sydney, NSW
1. Thomas V H Liljeblad b.? - d.1923 Petersham, Sydney, NSW
2. Charlotte T Liljeblad (m.1912 Aubrey Charles Egan at Five Dock)
3. Hillel Theodor Liljeblad - (1890 Sydney-1891 Balmain) NSW
4. Hereward K D Liljeblad (1895-1907) Balmain South, NSW
5. Hillil V T Liljeblad b. 1898 Balmain South NSW
6. Jessie E J Liljeblad b.1900 Balmain South
7. Wilhelm H Liljebad - (m.Ethel A James 1926 Petersham)
8. Ruth May Liljeblad - (m.1937 William H Smith in Balmain STh)
Death: 31 May 1924 Rozelle, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Burial: Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
From Australian Dictionary of Biography - ADB ONLINE attached to James Chalmers
per / by Patricia A. Prendergast
Transcript from the Obituary in the Sydney Morning Herald, 3 June 1924, p 10
Liljeblad, Hillel Fredrick (1849–1924)
The death occurred at his residence on May 31 of Captain Hillel Fredrick Liljeblad at the age of 74 years.
Captain Liljeblad was the third son of the late Dean Liljeblad of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland. At the age of 15 he went to sea and having passed the examination for sea captain left his country in 1878. He arrived in Auckland two years later and there qualified for the position of Master Mariner. After 6 months in the Dominion he came to Sydney, and in February 1881, was appointed quartermaster of the R. M. S. Australia. Rapid promotion followed.
In March 1882 he accepted command of the London Missionary Society’s schooner Ellengowan. While in the employ of the Society, on the declaration of the British Protectorate of New Guinea in 1884, he piloted the British squadron of warships, under the command of Commodore J. E. Erskine, consisting of the Nelson, Espiegle, Swinger, Harrier, Lark, Dart and others and was complemented on his navigation. He also commanded the schooner Harrier, the Government vessel Governor Cairns, and the Lady Franklin and Surprise. He remained in the service of the London Missionary Society until 1890 and was associated with the late Dr. Lawes and the Rev. James Chalmers.
Captain Liljeblad spent some years among the islands of the Western Pacific, and experienced many stirring adventures.
He is survived by his widow two sons, and three daughters.
'James' Moy LING - Chinese Methodist Missionary Pastor in Victoria
'James' Lee MOY LING - Chinese Methodist Pastor in Victoria
Father: Moy Yu Yee
Born: 2 January 1832 Canton, {Kwangtung?} (Guangdong), China
Emigrated: 1856 Arrived at Robe, South Australia
Christianity: converted 1865 at Daylesford Methodist Chapel
Marriage: ?
Wife: Wee KIM - or Wee Ling Kim Kam Wong
1. Lucy Sophia Kim Cie MOY LING b. 1874 South Melbourne (Mrs Thomas LIM or LEM)
2. Samuel Wing Yeek MOY LING b. 1876 Melbourne - 1876 Fitzroy;
3. Josiah MOY LING b. 1877 Collingwood
4. Eliza Laura MOY LING b. 1879 Fitzroy (Mrs Samuel SUE)
5. Benjamin Quick Moy Shing Fook MOY LING b. 1885 Castlemain Vic.
Died: 2 February 1911 at Carlton North, Victoria, Age 78
Burial: Melbourne General Cemetery, carlton
FROM - Chinese-Australia Historical Images of Australia
Lee MOY LING, Rev. James by: Ian Welch,
Moy Ling, Rev. James (1832 - 1911)
Born: 2 January 1832
Died: 2 February 1911
Occupation: missionary
Lee Moy Ling arrived in Daylesford, via Robe in South Australia, in 1856. He spoke English and was appointed local Chinese Intepreter. He was converted in the Daylesford Methodist Chapel in 1865. On the recommendation of the Rev William Hill, he was appointed Methodist Catechist in Castlemaine but after anger from the local Chinese Christians, who preferred a local convert, Leong On Tong. Moy Ling was sent to Bendigo and then to Melbourne.
Moy Ling established a Chinese Methodist Mission at 242 Little Bourke St, initially in the Kong Chew Hall, suggesting that he was from Taishan District (Siyi/See Yup county). He worked in close cooperation with the Presbyterians. He became a probationary minister and was responsible for the decision to build the existing Chinese Methodist (Uniting) Church at 194 Little Bourke Street which was opened on 10 July 1872. Moy Ling and On Tong were the first Chinese to be ordained to the Christian ministry in Australia. Their examination for ordination was conducted by the Rev Josiah Cox, an English Methodist missionary from China.
When his colleague, the Rev Leong On Tong went home to China to marry, Moy Ling asked him to also find him a wife. In 1873 he went to China and married. He served as Chinese Minister for several years in Castlemaine.
Among the Chinese he trained for missionary work was John Young Wai, who later became a very successful Presbyterian minister in Sydney. He also arranged for Paul Ng Soong Quong to become a missionary in Perth. Another man, Daniel Lem Sheok Kee, was sent to work in the Otago mission in New Zealand.
He was highly regarded by the leaders of the Methodist Church and held in great respect by his countrymen. A quiet man, he rarely sought the public eye but was active in Chinese associations, including the Chinese Empire Reform Association. He was quietly active in the various difficulties of the Chinese community in relation to immigration and employment issues, especially the attempts to totally exclude Chinese from laundry and furniture manufacturing between 1896 and 1905.
He maintained a friendly working relationship with other Chinese Christians, including Cheok Hong Cheong of the Anglican Mission. With Cheong he was a co-founder of the Chinese Christian Union in the early twentieth century bringing together Chinese Christians from all denominations to work on areas of common interest. Moy Ling was president until his death.
He served as a catechist, minister and Superintendent of the Chinese Methodist Mission in Victoria for fifty years until his death in 1911. He was buried in the Melbourne General Cemetery in Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria. On his headstone it notes his '45 years devoted service as Methodist Chinese Minister in Victoria'.
Sources used to compile this entry: The Wesleyan Chronicle, no. 20 June, 1866; Australasian Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Notices, July, 1867, p. 32; The Wesleyan Chronicle, no. 20 December, 1870, pp. 192-193; Wesleyan Missionary Notices, September, 1873, p. 195; The Wesleyan Chronicle, no. 20 June, 1873, p. 92; The Wesleyan Chronicle, no. 20 August, 1874, p. 130; 'Christian Chinese Union of Victoria [photograph caption]', Weekly Times, 25 April 1903, p. 12, 15; Yong, C.F., New Gold Mountain: The Chinese in Australia 1901-1920, Raphael Arts, South Australia, 1977; Birth and death dates and information about headstone in Melbourne General Cemetery provided by Reverend James Moy Ling's great grandchild Serena Shai-Hee (nee Cheung).
Prepared by: Ian Welch, Australian National University
FROM: A tribute to Influential Australian Christians
27 October 2010 by A tribute to Influential Australian Christians
Moy Ling ( – 1911) Chinese Methodist Missionary
Lee Moy Ling was highly regarded by the leaders of the Methodist Church and held in great respect by his countrymen.
201. =
Annie LOCK - From Humbug Scrub to Harding Soak into the beyond...
Ann LOCK was born on 1 August 1876 at Woolshed Flat, near Rhynie, in the Clare Valley district of South Australia, the eigth child, and fourth daughter of Walter LOCK and his wife Ann née STOKES. The LOCK family had formerly lived at Goulds Creek, near Humbug Scrub, in the hills east of Salisbury, and before that, further east again, across the divide of the Adelaide Hills, at Mount Pleasant. After Annie, another two sons and four daughters were born to the Stokes at Rhynie.
Annie Lock attending need in Oodnadatta, SA.
Intrepid Traveller & Outback Missionary committed to nursing, feeding and clothing Aborigines, providing them with spiritual instruction, and educating and caring for their children - in four Australian States: Oodnadatta SA, Forster, NSW; Alice Springs & Barrow Creek NT; Perth, WA. Worked with the interdenominational Australian Aborigines' Mission late U.A.M. for 34 years.
"Colebrook Home, named for one of the founders of the United Aborigines Mission [UAM] in South Australia, first opened in Quorn in 1927 as an institution for Aboriginal children. The fi rst Children’s home run by the UAM had been established three years earlier in Oodnadatta by missionary, Miss Annie Lock. Initially housed in an iron shed, the children were then moved to a small cottage purchased by the UAM in 1926. The following year the twelve children resident in the home were brought to Quorn, along with Matron Ruby Hyde who had been caring for the children since 1925. The children were relocated in order to remove them from the infl uence of their families so that they could be more easily assimilated into white society. As missionary Violet Turner described in her history of Colebrook at Quorn, the UAM believed the children needed to be in a place where ‘they could no longer see the [sic] natives or hear the sounds of corroborree’. It also aspired to raise children in a Christian environment. For many years Matron Hyde, a graduate of the Melbourne Bible Institute, ran the home with the assistance of Sister Rutter who had migrated from England." >COLEBROOK HOME - United Aborigines Mission Archive
Lock, Ann (1876–1943)
by Catherine Bishop
Ann Lock (1876-1943), missionary, was born on 1 August 1876 at Rhynie, South Australia, seventh child of English-born parents Walter Lock, share-farmer, and his wife Ann, née Stokes. Young Ann had little education and worked as a dressmaker before 1901 when she entered Angas College, Adelaide, a 'Missionary Training Home for Ladies'. Raised as a Methodist, she joined (1903) the interdenominational Australian Aborigines' Mission (United Aborigines' Mission from 1929). She was to devote thirty-four years to nursing, feeding and clothing Aborigines, providing them with spiritual instruction, and educating and caring for their children.
In 1905-09 Lock was based at Forster, New South Wales. Moving to Western Australia, she successively served (1909-12) as assistant and matron of the A.A.M.'s Dulhi-Gunyah Orphanage for Aboriginal children in Perth. She founded a mission at Katanning, then worked at the Carrolup Native Settlement, 20 miles (32 km) away, until personality clashes led her to leave in 1917. As A.A.M. representative, she joined an independent evangelist Sydney Hadley at Sunday Island Mission, near Derby, where she remained until 1923. After two years at Oodnadatta in South Australia she felt called to the Northern Territory in 1927. Lacking the full support of the A.A.M. and encountering opposition from officials and settlers, she toiled alone at Harding Soak, 100 miles (161 km) north of Alice Springs. Drought forced her to retreat to Katherine in October 1928.
Two months earlier a number of Aborigines had murdered a White man Fred Brooks near Harding Soak. A police party subsequently killed at least seventeen and possibly seventy Aborigines. In 1929 Lock was recalled to Alice Springs to give evidence to a board of inquiry investigating the massacre. She achieved temporary prominence when newspapers reported H. A. Heinrich's allegation that she had told him she would be 'happy to marry a black'. In its report the board blamed the racial unrest in part on 'a woman Missionary living amongst naked blacks thus lowering their respect for the whites'. The U.A.M. condoned Lock's unusual preference for working alone as a missionary. Independent and forthright, she retained an unshakeable faith in God and her calling in the face of hostility from European society.
Ryan's Well station, some 78 miles (125 km) north of Alice Springs, was her base from June 1929. Next year the owner asked her to leave and she travelled 200 miles (322 km) further north by buggy to Boxer Creek in the Murchison Range. She stayed at what is now known as Annie Loch Waterhole until September 1932. Back in South Australia in 1933, she made another long buggy trip, driving from Crystal Brook to Ooldea where she pioneered a mission until 1936. After marrying a widower James Johansen on 15 September 1937 at the registrar's office, Port Augusta, she resigned from the U.A.M. Johansen belonged to the Plymouth Brethren and ministered to Whites living on Eyre Peninsula; despite suffering from diabetes, Annie accompanied him on his travels. She died of pneumonia on 10 February 1943 at Cleve and was buried in the local cemetery. Her estate was sworn for probate at £95 18s.
Select Bibliography
C. Bishop, 'A Woman Missionary Living Amongst Naked Blacks': Annie Lock, 1876-1943 (M.A. thesis, Australian National University, 1991), and for bibliography.
Annie Lock died 10 February 1943 at Cleve, on the Eyre Peninsula, South Australia.
Ida Dorothy LOVE (1908-1990), nurse and midwifery educator, Bible Christian
Love, Ida Dorothy (1908–1990)
by Vilma Page
This article was published in Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 18, (MUP), 2012
Ida Dorothy Love, (1908-1990), nurse and midwifery educator, was born on 13 November 1908 at Orange, New South Wales, eldest of four children of Matthew Henry Love, railway engineer, and his wife Edith Eleanor, née Lillyman, both born in New South Wales. The family moved to Sydney where Ida attended Fort Street Girls’ High School; she was denied her choice of a teaching career as commitments kept her at home.
In 1931 Love began training as a nurse at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children. Work (1935) as a staff nurse at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, was followed by some private nursing, and a year at the Melbourne Bible Institute to prepare for medical missionary nursing in India. In 1938 she studied midwifery at the Royal South Sydney Women’s Hospital. Prevented by the outbreak of World War II from becoming a missionary, she worked as a staff nurse (1939-41) at the Royal Hospital for Women, Paddington, and as a tutor sister (1941-42) at King George V Memorial Hospital, Camperdown. On 11 August 1942 Love was mobilised in the Australian Army Nursing Service. Appointed as a lieutenant in the Australian Imperial Force next month, she served in military hospitals in Australia and, in 1945, with the 2/1st Australian General Hospital on Bougainville. She transferred to the reserve in September 1947.
Love joined the Women’s Hospital, Crown Street, as a tutor sister that year, and attended the Tresillian North Mothercraft Training School, Willoughby. In 1949 she travelled to London and, while working at Queen Charlotte’s Hospital, gained the midwives’ teacher’s diploma issued by the Central Midwives Board. For a few months she worked at the Simpson Memorial Maternity Pavilion, Edinburgh, observing the teaching methods of Margaret Myles, author of the classic Textbook for Midwives.
Back in Sydney in 1951, Love returned to Crown Street as a tutor sister, soon with sole control of midwifery training. She was appointed matron in 1963. In 1965 she visited the United States of America, Britain and Europe, and attended the Congress of the International Council of Nurses in Frankfurt, Germany.
A member (1947) of the New South Wales Midwives Association, Love also lectured, examined, gave graduate addresses, wrote articles for nursing journals and served (1956-73) on the Nurses’ Registration Board of New South Wales. She was a member of the councils of the Australasian Trained Nurses’ Association (1959-74), the New South Wales Bush Nursing Association and the Nurses’ Christian Movement (Fellowship). For her work in training voluntary aids in home nursing, she received the Red Cross distinguished service award in 1961. She was awarded the British Empire Medal in 1974. The Women’s Hospital, Crown Street, named its school of nursing in her honour in 1979.
Ida Love’s warmth and compassion were combined with a strong faith. A book of devotions that she kept from youth grew daily as she added `new thoughts’. Never married, she considered the hospital community to be a family. In retirement (from 1974) she lived for some years with her brother and sister at St Ives, gardened, travelled and remained active in community organisations. She died on 10 May 1990 near her home at Mowll Village, Castle Hill, and was cremated.
Select Bibliography
* The Women’s Hospital (Crown Street) 1893-1983, 1994
* Lamp (Sydney), October 1967, p 20
* Sydney Morning Herald, 28 December 1973, p 1
* North Shore Times, 6 February 1974, p 25
* North Shore Times, 23 May 1990, p 8
* Lamp, June 1990, p 22
* B883, item NX131311 (National Archives of Australia)
* Love papers (New South Wales Midwives Association, Sydney)
'TOLPUDDLE MARTYR' - George LOVELESS, 1797-1874 Rural Labourer, Methodist Lay Preacher, Anti-Poverty Campaigneer, Founder of the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers, Champion of the liberty of the poor, Tolpuddle martyr, brave Christian of sterling Character, Convict, Transportee to Van Diemens Land, Poet, Receiver of a Full Pardon, Chartist, Farmer, Political Historian & Author, Canadian Settler
Tolpuddle Martyrs banished to Australia : - In England, six English agricultural laborers are sentenced to seven years of banishment to Australia's New South Wales penal colony for their trade union activities.
In 1833, after several years of reductions in their agricultural wages, a group of workers in Tolpuddle, a small village east of Dorchester, England, formed the Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers. Led by George Loveless, a farm laborer, the union rapidly grew in the area, and it was agreed that the men would not accept work for less than 10 shillings a week. With the urging of the British government, which feared a repetition of the rural unrest of 1830, local authorities arrested Loveless and five others on charges of taking an unlawful oath, citing an outdated law that had been passed in the late 18th century to deal with naval mutiny. On 18th March 1834, these six men, including one who had never taken the oath, were sentenced to seven years imprisonment at an Australian penal colony.
Public reaction throughout the country made the six into popular heroes, and in 1836, after continual agitation, the sentence against the so-called "Tolpuddle Martyrs" was finally remitted. Only one of the six returned to Tolpuddle; the rest emigrated to Canada, where one Tolpuddle Martyr--John Standfield--became mayor of his district. The popular movement surrounding the Tolpuddle contro-versy is generally regarded as the beginning of trade unionism in Great Britain.
On the eve of departure for Australia in chains, George Loveless, preacher of the Word, wrote words on a scrap of paper that might come from a biblical celebration of liberty in the Passover: : -
God is our guide! from field, from wave,
From plough, from anvil, and from loom;
We come, our country's rights to save,
And speak a tyrant faction's doom:
We raise the watch-word liberty;
We will, we will, we will be free!
In England the Tolpuddle martyrs became popular heroes and 800,000 signatures were collected for their release. Loveless was sent to Van Diemens Land separately to the others, where in Hobart Town 'Lieutenant-Governor (Sir) George Arthur appreciated his sterling qualities and exemplary character and sent him to work on the domain farm at New Town as a shepherd and stock-keeper.' That was where he was when news came "of Lord John Russell's order on 10 March 1836, that free pardons be issued to them."
'It was not until 11 September that James Loveless, Brine and the Standfields sailed from Sydney in the John Barry, reaching Plymouth in March 1838. James Hammett, who had been working in the interior of the colony, did not arrive in England until September 1839. On their return the Lovelesses, Standfields and Brine settled on farms near Chipping Ongar in Essex, and migrated to Canada a few years later; James Hammett alone went back to Tolpuddle. George Loveless, like his companions, became an active Chartist; he wrote The Victims of Whiggery (London, 1837), a remarkable account of the Dorchester labourers' experiences and of the transportation system. He died on a farm at London, Ontario, on 6 March 1874.' by G. Rude, ADB Online
Beulah Madeline LOWE ~ Yolngu Linguist, Milingimbi (1950s) (Methodist )
Ministry: Millingimbi, Yolngu Linguist
Death: 13 September 2005 at Wesley Gardens, Belrose, Sydney, NSW
Burial: Cremated 20 September 2005 - Northern suburbs Crematorium, Sydney NSW
Beulah LOWE ~ Yolngu Linguist, Milingimbi (1950s) (Methodist )
From ALICE SPRINGS NEWS, June 19, 2002. 'DR TED SAYS WE NEED EDUCATION REVOLUTION.' TED EGAN's speech at the Northern Territory University [ now Charles Darwin Univeristy): - "One of the great Territorians to my mind was Beulah Lowe, a Methodist missionary who went into Arnhem Land in the early 1950s with the agenda to translate the Bible into local languages. She did just that. Along the way she became totally fluent in especially Gupapuyngu which is the lingua franca of Arnhem Land.
The exciting difference with Beulah was that she was so grateful to the old people who had taught her that she in turn taught them to be literate in their own language. They could not read or write English but they were so proud of their acquired ability to read their own language.
There has been good educational achievement among the Aboriginals of north-eastern Arnhem Land, and I submit that this has largely been achieved because, at the outset, the adults were sold on the notion that education is a good thing.
Mandawuy Yunupingu was the first Aboriginal with an Australian first language to get a university degree. His father, Mungurrawuy Yunupingu, was ever so proud of the ability he had acquired from Beulah Lowe to read his own Gumatj language. He encouraged his children to attend school and derive maximum benefit.
As I look around me in Central Australia I see dreadful apathy towards education among Aboriginals. I think that Aboriginal literacy standards have dropped considerably in recent decades..."

1. Wearing, Betsy - 'Beulah Lowe and the Yolngu People'(Paperback, 2007) [Tells of the remarkable work of Beulah Lowe, a linguist who went to Arnhem Land in 1950 as a Methodist Missionary, with the objective to translate the Bible into the language of the Aboriginal people in the Milingimbi region.] 2007 Glenning Valley, NSW
2. Trudgen, Richard, Why Warriors Lie Down & Die [4], ARDS, Darwin, 2000.
3. Beulah Lowe's Dictionary of the Yolŋu languages -
Yolngu - English Dictionary B. Lowe © ARDS Inc. September 2004 - Online pdf file
4. Yolŋu languages at WIKEPENDIA
5. Beulah LOWE photographs- ["Collection of photographs of the 'Makarata' or peacemaking ceremony, which took place at Milingimbi in 1951. The ceremony was also photographed by Fritz Goro (Life magazine photographer) and Axel Poignant, who was acting as his assistant. Beulah was the teacher employed by the Methodist Overseas Mission at Milingimbi mission station, Arnhem Land and acted as interpreter for the photographing of the children's story, 'Bush Walkabout'. She was there during Axel Poignant's first visit with Fritz Goro in 1951 and in 1952 when Axel went to Milingimbi after his period on the Liverpool River (Nagalarramba)"--Information from acquisition documentation.] National Library of Australia
6. Newspapers: Sydney Morning Herald: 17 September 2005; Manly Daily 17 September 2005
Robert MILNE LYON- or
Robert Menli LYON, (1789 - after 1863) born in Inverness, Scotland. - Swan River, WA, Advocate of a Treaty with Aborigines, Linguist, proto-anthropologist, Christian Conciliator & Champion of Negotiation, Professor of Greek & Latin in Mauritius, Champion of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples,
Robert Menli Lyon arrived at the Swan River Colony in 1829 and lived along the Swan River before leaving the colony in 1834. His description of the Swan and Canning River Aboriginal people and their tribal boundaries were published in the Perth Gazette in 1933 and are important for a number of reasons. It is the first recorded account of the names, vocabulary and ‘tribal districts’ of the tribal groups from 1832‐1833, which occupied the area that is now metropolitan Perth. His key informant was Yagan, an ‘Aboriginal patriot’ who was killed in July 1833.
Dame Enid LYONS
206. Joseph LYONS, Prime Minister/ TAS
207. Koriengbin’s son RAKERNUN / Martin Simpson Avoca,Vic. Corowa, NSW
M - see next
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